Hugo Notes

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Hugo Notes.

Hugo is an open-source static site generators.

Releases - Github

Download the Windows 64 EXTENDED ZIP-file

Quick Start




Create folders (example)

md C:\Hugo
md C:\Hugo\Sites (for sites content)
md C.\Hugo\bin (for the hugo.exe)

In PowerShell or your preferred CLI, add the hugo.exe executable to your PATH by navigating to C:\Hugo\bin (or the location of your hugo.exe file) and use the command set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Hugo\bin. If the hugo command does not work after a reboot, you may have to run the command prompt as administrator.

Create a new site

C:\Hugo\Sites> hugo new site quickstartsite

Add a theme (example)

cd quickstartsite
git init
git submodule add themes/ananke

Manually add theme in config file (example)

File: config.toml

theme = ananke

Add some content (example)

In sub-folder posts

hugo new posts/

Start server

hugo server
hugo server -D (drafts enabled, see front matter in files)

Build static pages

hugo -D (drafts enabled)

Output will be in ./public/ directory by default (-d/--destination flag to change it, or set publishdir in the config file).